Salary Statistics 2023

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Salary tables






Salary tables

Salary tables

Salary Statistics 2023

Pharmadanmark’s salary statistics for 2023 are available as an electronic version. It is easy to navigate and all tables can be saved and printed in PDF format.

Pharmadanmark’s salary statistics for 2023 are available as an electronic version. It is easy to navigate and all tables can be saved and printed in PDF format.

Pharmadanmark has received salary figures directly from the public and pharmacy sectors, which gives a very valid picture of salaries. Salary figures from the private sector have been reported to Pharmadanmark by the members of Pharmadanmark.

Explanation of percentiles

Percentiles describes what percentage of an observation is below a given value. The median is the middle observation, ie equal to 50 percent percentile.


You can use the salary statistics to get an idea of what your peers typically get in salary and personal benefits, thus giving you an idea of where you should be in terms of salary.

You can use the salary statistics to get an idea of what your peers typically get in salary and personal benefits, thus giving you an idea of where you should be in terms of salary.

Why only seek the average?
You need to consider where you should be in relation to the average and quintiles. Include your background, industry expertise, experience in the work field, etc. It may also be that you have no personal experience that is particularly relevant to the basis of your salary proposal. It is also relevant to include other factors when evaluating salary, for example, paid maternity leave, extra vacations, company car, free telephone, newspaper subscription, bonuses, pension, further education, retraining, overtime salary, flexible working hours, home office, health insurance, etc.

Remember, when you need arguments for your salary negotiations, it is better to have two or three really good arguments rather than 10 mediocre arguments. You run the risk of focusing on the bad arguments.

Tips for salary negotiations
- Before the negotiations begin, you and your manager should exchange the figures and factual information to be used in the negotiations.

- Consider what is important to you. Prepare alternatives to your demands and decide what has the most value for you.

The negotiations
You must first determine a threshold for the minimum you must gain from the negotiations. Sometimes, it may be status quo, and at other times it may be a significant pay rise.

What’s your opening offer?
- Your opening offer should be ambitious yet realistic.
- Start with something you would be delighted with if you could achieve it.
- Supplement any salary suggestions with suggestions for attractive benefits.
- Try to maintain a constructive dialogue.
- Be open and receptive and ask open questions.

Evaluating salary negotiations
If the results of your salary negotiations are unsatisfactory, you may want to consider whether it is time to change jobs. Experience shows that academics often achieve good salary increases when changing jobs.

That said, there are obviously other factors that will make it attractive for you to stay in the job. It may be that there are particularly good benefits, or you have interesting tasks that make it worthwhile for you to give it one more try at the salary negotiations the following year.

You are welcome to contact Pharmadanmark’s Legal department, if you need advice before your salary negotiations.

Good luck with the negotiations.

Starting salaries

Pharmadanmark recommends an initial salary in 2024 in the range between DKK 52.000 and 54.000 incl. pension per month. This is based on our salary statistics and the actual salary negotiations we see in connection with our counsel.


If you are offered a job as a lecturer or another, smaller engagement, this page provides some guidelines on the remuneration you should request for the assignment.

If you are offered a job as a lecturer or another, smaller engagement, this page provides some guidelines on the remuneration you should request for the assignment.

There are no general agreements on remuneration for lecturing. Therefore Pharmadanmark recommends that you conclude a remuneration agreement beforehand. Such remuneration should include:

  • Payment of expenses for materials, e.g. slides, rental of equipment etc.
  • Payment of transport costs (hotel, travel and other costs)
  • Hours of preparation needed
  • The demand for your specific knowledge and input
  • Recipients – for example, how many, who/what company has invited you, access by internet or only for on-site participation
  • Are you recorded? If you are recorded, then the renumeration should be higher. If you do not wish to be recorded, make sure it is explicitly agreed upon beforehand.
  • Recommended rates for consulting

    As a fee-based freelancer/consultant/self-employed, the hourly wage charged for temporary jobs must take into account self-funding of holidays, sick leave, sick child leave, skills development, administration as well as periods of unemployment between jobs.

    As a fee-based freelancer/consultant/self-employed, the hourly wage charged for temporary jobs must take into account self-funding of holidays, sick leave, sick child leave, skills development, administration as well as periods of unemployment between jobs.

    You can contact our legal department at for further advice, but ultimately you are the one who sets your hourly wage.